Gresso E 1280 (SC6531c) flash file
if you are searching for Gresso E1280 (SC6531c) flash file then you are the right place in this article i will tell you Gresso E1280 (SC6531c) flash file ..
read with cm2
select spd fp
- you need first open cm2 scr tool
- select cpu
- select flash option
- after open this screen .click read file if you want read file
- press read file option
- connect phone with cable with boot key
Gresso E1280 (SC6531c) flash file
select folder and click save option
1. P0wer off device
2. Press and hold B0otKey or use BootCable
3. Insert cable and battery in device!
Wait f0r device ...
Device Connected!
B0otVersion : SPRD3
B0otSource : InternalLibrary
B0otVersion : Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.2
P0rt speed : 921600
FDL Flash : Control transfered!
Boot Done!
CS0_MEM : SPI : [GIGADEVICE] : GD25Q32 : 0x004000o0 [ 4MiB ]
Read Ok, 4194304 bytes
Saved to : C:\Users\adil\Documents\SC6531_SPI_GIGADEVICE_GD25Q_4MiB.bin
Elapsed: o0:02:37
Reconnect P0wer/Cable!
if you want flash mobile select same option and select pac or bin file click flash option
Gresso E1280 (SC6531c) flash file
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